
MrPKeirnan_PKK Key Stage 4 PE Class Blog

Physical Education Teacher in Nottingham, UK/ MSc Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Final Year Student Researching Technologies in PE

Monday, 18 April 2011

'Geocaching at Djanogly Competition' Week 4 = The Results are in!! (Term 4)

Last Thursday was the fourth and final day of the 'Geocaching at Djanogly Competition' and the weather was again perfect for the group.

On the final day, we decided to have 8 Geocaches available to the teams and the students had to collect a different coloured tag at each location (e.g. green, pink and blue). However, at each location the tags were worth points and they ranged from 50 points to 800 points. It was a timed event and it was a race to see which team could collect the most Geocaches the fastest. When that was completed the teams then had to find the location of me and handover the coloured tags that they had collected.

In addition, the team that came in first would gain bonus points and the points were as follows;

1st = 1000 BONUS
2nd = 750 BONUS
3rd = 500 BONUS
4th = 250 BONUS

With all these points up for grabs it was anyones competition and the current standings can be seen below;

1st = LANASUJOJA on 575pts
2nd = SIX LIONS on 485pts
3rd = BARBIE GIRLS on 375pts
As we entered the Forest, I tweeted the starting positions for each team. When the pupils were at the locations, I then tweeted the locations of the 8 Geocaches. The Geocaches can be seen below;

When the students started moving to their chosen Geocache, I then tweeted photo hints of each location (Which can be seen above). The students could choose which Geocache they would head to first and remembering that they needed to collect them in the quickest time. Remembering that the students dont know the value of the Geocache until they arrive at location.

Each team went off in different directions looking for the Geocaches and trying to not give away locations after retrieving a Geocache.

At 15.05pm I tweeted my location to the teams and all four teams started to make their way to the finish. All teams were running to the finish knowing the bonus points up for grabs but to claim the points all team members must be at the finish together.

First to arrive with only half of their team was Spongebob Circle Pants (Currently in 4th place) and then half of Six Lions arrived. Both teams encouraging their team mates to hurry up but it was Spongebob that had their whole team at the finish first claiming the 1000pts for 1st Place!

With all teams at the finish I collected in the Geocaches that the teams had found and the results were in!!

1st Place went to............
Six Lions are the winners with a massive 3335pts! just pipping the amazing performance on the final day from Spongebob Circle Pants who had 3220pts! Lanasujoja slipped into third place with 2025pts and Barbie Girls in 4th with 1425pts!

The final positions are;

It has been a excellent competition over the four weeks and the students have had a unique experience of Geocaching that isnt on any PE Curriculum. Each week the students techniques and skills improved using the GPS on their phones and it has provided them all with valuable skills that can be used outside of a PE lesson.

Well done to everyone and it has been a pleasure organising the activity!!

Have a good week!!

Mr P Keirnan
Physical Education

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